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15th Edition


Best Indie Short

The Gift

Director: Zahra Faraji


Best Documentary 

Bring Back the Whistle Dog
Director: Bob Simpson


Best Script

Head Wound
Writer: Paul Corricelli


Best Actress

Tinatin Kakabadze



Best Cinematography 

Begin Again
Director: Gabriel Venneri


Best Comedy

Hot Sauce
Directors: Lynn Forney, Corey Trahan


Best Web/Series/Pilot 

Los Aspirantes -The Applicants-
Directors: María Yolanda Brown Melián, Kevin Ramos Fernández


Best Music Video

The Woman

Director: Adam Jones


Best Animation 

Director: Hsin Ting Lin


Best Experimental 

Gopesa x Gopesa : I Am All The Textile I Am
Director: Gopesa Paquette


Best Student Film

The sun shining

Director: Heather Connelly 


Best Composer


Víctor Muñoz

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